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The Russian Client
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By Maryann Gashi-Butler. Newville: Primrose Hill Press, 2011. This provocative legal thriller chronicles the fall of Soviet power and the rise of the Russian oligarchs from 1989 through 2003. It traces the lives of ordinary people swept up in explosive times when it appears there will be no consequences for actions, no matter how immoral or outrageous, committed under the "fog" of Russia's abrupt transition to raw capitalism. Spying, stealing, power grabs are all very much in play. The profound disturbance of existing societal norms and dangerous shifting of values of the 1990s continue to haunt Russia's diplomatic and economic relations with the West long after the Soviet Union dissolves in 1991. It has led to the most recent crisis in the Ukraine. The author, an international commercial lawyer, has been a Russian specialist since the 1970's and lived and worked in Russia for over twenty years beginning in 1990. Her interest in wood engraving and bookplates finds its way into the trade craft of competing intelligence agencies fighting to steal as many secrets as possible before the dust of the struggle of ravenous capitalism settles. Signed limited (first) edition. Fifty numbered copies. Hardback with dustjacket.
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