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Books About Engravers
A Garden of my Own
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By Yvonne Skargon. Cambridge: Silent Books, 1996. Skargon is known for her talent for creating enchanting engravings of plants, landscapes and animals (especially cats) transporting the reader into indescribably beautiful worlds, imaginary excursions of delight. In this book, Skargon combines carefully chosen engravings and commentary to entice us into her very own English garden letter by letter, from "A" to "Z" and her now famous cats, starring in our other books, are ever present. "It does not purport to be a literal depiction of my garden...[but a] record of many enjoyable hours spent in the garden of my imagination, which happily, is not all that different from my real garden." Numerous images, mainly back and white. Hardback with dustjacket, 99 pp.
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